

東大寺   Click to listen highlighted text! 東大寺


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Tōdai-ji is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in the city of Nara, Japan. It is one of the most famous Buddhist temples in Japan, and it is renowned for its size and historical significance. The temple was built in the 8th century and has since become one of the most important landmarks in Japanese Buddhism.

The most prominent feature of Tōdai-ji is its massive bronze Buddha statue, which is located inside the temple’s Daibutsuden (Great Buddha Hall). The statue, known as Daibutsu, is 16 meters tall and weighs approximately 500 tons. It is the largest bronze statue of Buddha in the world, and it is considered a masterpiece of Japanese sculpture.

Tōdai-ji also has several other important buildings on its grounds, including the Hokke-do (Lotus Sutra Hall) and the Nigatsu-do (Hall of the Second Month). The Hokke-do is a designated national treasure, and it houses an 11-faced Kannon statue, which is believed to be one of the oldest Buddhist statues in Japan. The Nigatsu-do is famous for its annual Omizutori ceremony, which has been held there since the 8th century.

In addition to its architectural and artistic significance, Tōdai-ji is also renowned for its spiritual importance. The temple played a significant role in the spread of Buddhism throughout Japan, and it continues to be an important site for Buddhist worship and pilgrimage. The temple attracts millions of visitors each year, including many international tourists.

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