
Enoura Observatory

小田原文化財団 江之浦測候所   Click to listen highlighted text! 小田原文化財団 江之浦測候所

(odawara bunkazaidan enoura sokkōjo)

Enoura Observatory is a contemporary art installation located in the Enoura district of Odawara City, Japan. It was established by renowned contemporary artist Hiroshi Sugimoto in 2009 as a part of the Odawara Art Foundation’s efforts to promote Japanese culture internationally. The facility offers a range of activities, including theater arts, art conservation and exhibition, and promotion of traditional performing arts.

The Enoura Observatory is situated on the outskirts of the Hakone Mountains and overlooks the picturesque Sagami Bay, making it an ideal location for an art installation that aims to promote Japan’s natural beauty. The facility opened its doors to the public in October 2017, and since then has been attracting art enthusiasts from all over the world.

The installation comprises several structures that are designed to blend seamlessly with the surrounding landscape, creating a harmonious environment that is conducive to artistic exploration. These structures include a stone stage, a bamboo grove, a sea deck, and an ocean-stage, all of which are connected by a network of paths and staircases.

One of the most striking features of the Enoura Observatory is the Stone Stage, a massive stone amphitheater that is carved into the hillside. It can accommodate up to 150 people and is designed to be used for theatrical performances and other events. The Sea Deck is another notable feature, a wooden deck that extends out over the bay, providing visitors with stunning views of the ocean and the surrounding mountains.

The installation also includes a museum that showcases Sugimoto’s extensive collection of art objects and other items, including traditional Japanese ceramics, textiles, and lacquerware. The museum is dedicated to the conservation and exhibition of these objects and aims to promote a deeper understanding of Japanese culture and heritage.

In addition to its art and cultural offerings, the Enoura Observatory also serves as a community hub, hosting a variety of events and activities throughout the year. These include workshops, lectures, and performances by local artists and musicians, as well as international guest artists.

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