
Suzuki Mikawaya

鈴木三河屋   Click to listen highlighted text! 鈴木三河屋

(suzuki mikawaya)

Suzuki Mikawaya is a hidden gem for sake enthusiasts located in Tokyo, Japan. While the shop may not be large, it boasts an impressive collection of premium sake from smaller kura that is difficult to find elsewhere. Among the notable finds are Fukushima’s Niida Honke, which produces Kinpou Shizenshu and Tamura, an organic sake, as well as Classic Omachi Senkin from Tochigi. Additionally, Suzuki Mikawaya offers a special yamahai usunigori junmaishu crafted exclusively for them by Nara’s Hanatomoe (Miyoshino Shuzô).

For foreign visitors, language barriers can be a concern when shopping for sake. However, Suzuki Mikawaya’s shop manager, Yamada Yûsuke, speaks English fluently and can provide helpful recommendations to customers. It is no surprise that foreign visitors are a common sight in the store, seeking to explore the rich and diverse world of sake that Japan has to offer.

Located just a short walk from Tameike-Sanno Station (exit 12), Suzuki Mikawaya may be a bit tricky to find for those unfamiliar with the area. However, thanks to the convenience of modern technology, visitors can rely on their trusty Google Maps app to guide them to the shop’s location without any trouble. Although the shop lacks an English sign, the allure of its exceptional sake collection is more than enough to attract sake enthusiasts from around the world.

For those looking for a unique and authentic Japanese experience, Suzuki Mikawaya is definitely worth a visit. The shop’s cozy and intimate atmosphere offers a personal touch that is hard to come by in larger, more commercialized stores. Instead, visitors can indulge in the rich history and culture of sake, and perhaps even discover a new favorite among the rare and exclusive offerings available at Suzuki Mikawaya.

In addition to its impressive sake collection, Suzuki Mikawaya also offers a variety of sake-related merchandise, such as sake cups and other traditional Japanese items. These souvenirs serve as a wonderful reminder of the exceptional shopping experience and delicious sake enjoyed during a visit to the shop.


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