

三十三間堂   Click to listen highlighted text! 三十三間堂


Sanjusangendo, also known as Rengeo-in Temple, is a renowned Buddhist temple located in Kyoto, Japan. The temple is known for its 1,001 wooden statues of Kannon, the Buddhist goddess of mercy, and has a rich history that spans over eight centuries.

Sanjusangendo was first built in 1164 by Taira no Kiyomori, a powerful military leader of the time, as a temple for his mother’s spirit. The original building was destroyed by fire in the late 12th century and was later reconstructed during the Kamakura period (1185-1333).

The temple is named after its unique feature – the 1,001 statues of Kannon that are housed within its hall. The hall is the longest wooden structure in Japan, stretching for over 120 meters. The statues, carved in the 12th and 13th centuries, are arranged in 10 rows, with a central figure of the Thousand-Armed Kannon flanked by 500 statues on each side.

The Thousand-Armed Kannon statue, located at the center of the hall, is an impressive sight to behold. The statue, measuring about 3.3 meters in height, is a national treasure of Japan and is said to have been carved by the famous sculptor, Tankei. The statue’s thousand arms are said to represent the goddess’s ability to reach out and help those in need.

Sanjusangendo has undergone several renovations over the centuries, with the most recent one being in the 17th century. The temple’s grounds also include a beautiful garden, which is particularly picturesque during the cherry blossom season in spring.

The temple is a popular tourist attraction in Kyoto, drawing thousands of visitors every year. Visitors can experience a traditional Japanese tea ceremony and take part in various cultural activities at the temple. The temple also hosts several events throughout the year, such as archery contests and Buddhist ceremonies.

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