
Hamarikyu Gardens

浜離宮恩賜庭園   Click to listen highlighted text! 浜離宮恩賜庭園

(hamano rikyu onshi teien)

Hamarikyu Gardens is a beautiful oasis in the heart of Tokyo, Japan. As someone who has visited the gardens often, I can attest to its natural beauty and peacefulness. The gardens were originally built in the 17th century as the personal hunting grounds of the Tokugawa Shogunate, and later became a public park in 1946. Today, the gardens are a popular destination for locals and tourists alike, and for good reason.

One of the highlights of Hamarikyu Gardens is its central lake, which is connected to Tokyo Bay and features tidal changes. Visitors can take a leisurely boat ride around the lake and enjoy views of the surrounding gardens and skyscrapers in the distance. The gardens also have several traditional teahouses, where visitors can enjoy a traditional Japanese tea ceremony while surrounded by the natural beauty of the gardens.

Another must-see in Hamarikyu Gardens is the Nakajima-no-ochaya teahouse, which is situated on a small island in the lake. Visitors can reach the teahouse by crossing a small wooden bridge and enjoy a traditional Japanese tea ceremony while taking in the stunning views of the surrounding gardens.

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